18 November 2019
‘The cloud’ is a virtual space that’s connected to internet in which you can host, store and protect digital information, rather than having it saved on a single computer. This means that the information is accessible to any internet-connected device with the right permissions, from anywhere in the world. At Touchstar, all of our mobile computing solutions are software as a service (SAAS) applications based in the cloud, including PODStar, our Electronic Proof of Delivery (EPOD) system. This blog takes a closer look at the benefits of choosing a cloud-based EPOD solution. Read More >>

22 February 2019
According to respected market analysts Gartner, Global IT spending is set to increase despite Brexit, recession and tariff rumours. Gartner predicts global IT spending will reach $3.8 trillion in 2019, an increase of 3.2% from 2018. If the ‘gloom and doom’ predictions prove correct and Brexit helps to trigger another recessionary period, notably for the UK, why on earth would business organisations contemplate spending increases? This article explains why IT spending in a recessionary period can be critical to survival. Read More >>