20 January 2020
IoT relates to the devices and sensors that link the fleet manager to each of their vehicles and/or drivers via the internet – for example, vehicle telematics sensors, handheld mobile computers and even smartphones with the right Electronic Proof of Delivery (EPOD) software. Each of these device types expand a fleet manager’s view of workforce activity beyond the office and into the field, creating a digital network via which vital operational data can flow back and forth in real-time. Read More >>

06 January 2020
For many couriers a big question is how do you prove you left the goods where instructed? Indeed, how can you prove you were at an address at all? The practicalities are tricky to manage. The possibilities with a smart device don’t end with a signature and bar code. In instances where people have nominated a safe place, it’s now possible to take an image of the item in situ using the same device and link it to the order in the same way. Read More >>