27 July 2020
All told, lockdown has been a sort of boomtime for food distribution, but one that’s made logistically gruelling by a global pandemic. The pressure to expediate supply chains in the face of a never-before-seen public health emergency has been nothing short of monumental. Has there ever been a greater need for digital support and optimisation within the food sector? This blog illustrates how Electronic Proof of Delivery (EPOD) keeps the food sector moving as efficiently as possible. Read More >>

08 July 2020
The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has been a uniquely challenging time for the logistics sector. Never have the world’s supply chains faced such a universally seismic set of circumstances, nor one that is likely to have such far-reaching consequences. Yet the challenges of COVID-19 have been, and continue to be, somewhat different for the logistics industry than that of other areas of business. Read More >>

01 July 2020
Touchstar poised for a positive post-pandemic future after strong Q1 Results Read More >>